Ready, Fire, Aim

One thing never mentioned is the HUGE advantage to unleaded - you can now run on the cheap side accurate mixture meters with an oxygen sensor and no longer try and guess the air/fuel ratio from secondary effects like EGT and CHT at the low end and this opens the way for closed-loop fuel injection on the high end. Does anyone not driving an antique car worry about starting their car on a cold morning or if it will restart when hot? Not for decades!
The day of no lead is coming and this issue should have been taken care of 20 years ago.
Here is my frustration - We HAD this issue 75% solved decades ago. I remeber buying 80 octane fuel for C-150s and other low compression airplanes and I remember how much trouble they all are on 100LL. If we sold 94 octane avgas, which literally is 100LL minus the lead, a large portion of the fleet would run on it right now. Getting rid of two grades was a big mistake.

Lead is the perfect hammer for anti-GA activists to kill off GA as we know it, rich 1%ers flying over my house coating my children with poison. (of course 1%ers wouldn’t go near a pisten engine airplane, but image is all!)

I hate the idea of throwing airplanes on the scrapheap. I do wonder what improvements could be made to his class of airplane with modern fuel injection and ignition. Theses airplanes run engines hard with 1930s level tech, it may be that 94 octane would work with the same basic engine brought up to the 21st century. My car runs higher boost and higher compression than I would have ever thought possible and on regular gas too!

  • I remember a rental checkout for a P-Navajo that seemed 25% flying and 75% not wrecking the engines. (Not that it mattered, the insurance refused to cover rentals about halfway through the checkout process, insurance is another deadly hazzard go GA)

For better or worse it’s not much of a stretch to imagine that the GOP Congress and President Trump enact legislation to override the EPA endangerment finding or extend the deadline for compliance significantly. Seems right in their wheelhouse.

Sure. “Word salad” is a confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases. It is most often used to describe a symptom of a neurological or mental disorder.
My point is there’s nothing word salad-ish about Russ’s essay. Compare Trump’s wild rambling, unhinged and disconnected tyrades to Russ’s work or any other though-out and COHERANT writings for examples Pick another means of attack next time.

there is a solution and that is to use an engine that uses available fuel. the Diesel from Deltahawk is an example… and another is the Rotax line of engines. there is an engine that is being developed for 250 to 360 hp that will run on any available quality Gasoline. all they need is money.
the company is The Engines | ADEPT modern 120 degree 6 and is flying now. they will be at Oshkosh this year I am told with a flying aircraft. It will be competitive in price with existing engines and should fit in almost any aircraft.

look them up. It will solve the lead problem and provide amore efficient engine that we an get fuel for anywhere in the world. 100LL is virtually unavailable in most of the rest of the world.

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It was never about low lead Avgas.
Low lead AvGas is the least worry facing communities health (crime, obesity, drugs, bad infrastructure, over crowding, traffic accidents, waste disposal, etc).

Well, since ADennistdi took it upon himself to poke the bear and ask why you complained about my using the phrase “word salad” I suppose I am obligated to weigh in now.

I must confess that I am not qualified to assess Russ’s mental health, much less pronounce a diagnosis on the neurological stamina of his prose. I believe I was straining at a metaphor about the immutable progression of hair on fire being simile to the logic my wife sometimes infers on me when her pants are on fire (not a real metaphor, but metaphorically speaking). And please know that I say this with the utmost respect - in case my wife is listening to me type - but I digress. Or, redress. Or something-else-ess. So…. Keep the greasy side down! :sunglasses:

From Russ:
I’m not crazy. My wife had me tested.