Ready, Fire, Aim

I’m confused. What (if anything at all) newsworthy was in this word salad? My best guess is that one individual was inspired to say that we should run around like a lady with her hair on fire because someone else is in a tizzy that people are beginning to scrutinize aromatics and question whether they might be more of an issue than we were first led to believe.

In recent years we all should have learned NOT to join in with the crowd that says “Don’t think, just panic and do whatever we want you to do - NOW!”

Regardless of how long it may have taken to get the ball rolling in the first place, now that we are doing it, replacing our one and only AvGas option is not a snap decision, instant gratification, proposition. Calm down. Fuels are becoming available and people are giving their feedback. Crazy ladies who run around with their hair on fire are not the most intelligent people in the first place - don’t be one of them.

I for one prefer that when we make the switch it is because we know and trust the new fuel, and not because someone said: “Pick this one now! or else you will never be allowed to fly again!”

From Russ:
Nothing newsworthy. It’s opinion.

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