Pro Star Aviation, LLC announces it has received EASA certification for their AVIATOR 200 STC - the installation of a Cobham SATCOM AVIATOR 200 SwiftBroadband System with WiFi into King Air models: B200, 300 and 350 series aircraft. The approval was granted on July 14, 2014 under EASA certification #10049852, making the AVIATOR 200 system even more accessible to King Air operators throughout the world. In December of 2013, Pro Star received FAA approval for this STC and ANAC approval followed in mid-July, 2014. This marks the third airframe certified for the AVIATOR 200 by Pro Star Aviation. The first was for the Pilatus PC-12; FAA certification was received March 2012 and EASA certification January 2013. The Cessna Caravan 208/208B was the second, having receiving FAA certification November 2013.
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