Pipistrel founder Ivo Boscarol has partnered with a Chinese company to build its Alpha Electro electric trainer and the hybrid version of the Panthera high-performance aircraft in a new aviation development near Nanjing. Pipistrel will retain 51 percent of Pipistrel Asia Pacific General Aviation Technology Ltd. The minority partner is Danny Wu Hao who, as his stake in the deal, will build a general aviation airport and business park from scratch over the next two years to serve as the home base for the venture. Pipistrel will sell the intellectual property and sales rights for China and 10 other Asian countries for both designs and they will be built at the new facilities, known as Project Jurong.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/recent-updates/business-military/pipistrel-partners-with-chinese-mega-project