Pilot/Olympian Iris Cummings Critchell Dies At 104

Iris Cummings Critchell, an aviation pioneer and the last known surviving U.S. Olympic swimmer from the 1936 Berlin Games, passed away at age 104 last week.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/pilot-and-olympian-iris-cummings-critchell-dies-at-104

She sure seems like a very impressive person and pilot. 104 is a good run. Clear skies and tailwinds.

Non sequitur:

Any other Star Trek (TOS) fans read ‘Harvey Mudd’ as ‘Harry Mudd’ LOL

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Now that is one hell of a woman…

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This ST fan did. The greatest generation! although I have concerns for their progeny, of which I am one. Possible there was no greatness left over for future generations…

Honored to have met her when I hung around the TOA airport, S. Calif., in the late '50s and '60s.

Brave people.
If you look closely you can see the “war quality” P-38 in the background that shows it was built in a hurry. If I remember pilots stories correctly, there was a fairly large accident rate with factory new planes. That risk, combined with flying 25 different types, and surviving, is almost beyond belief. Well done!

Amazing Aviatrix: Iris Cummings Critchell. Her life was full of strength and quiet greatness, inspiring so many. May her memory always lift those who dream of flying.

Zamperini Field (TOA) Alumnus


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