Picture Of The Week: Dec. 6, 2024-More Pictures, Please

The hopper needs replenishment. Frequent contributors are welcome but we'd really like to see some new names and styles of images. Send them to editor+potw@avweb.com. The +potw is important to put the entries in the right file. Almost anything goes but please don't use AI or revise history. Files don't have to be huge but no smaller than about 700k. Please include: full name of photographer, title, brief description and any detail like camera type, editing details etc.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/multimedia/gallery/picture-of-the-week-198

Maybe a PA 28 180 or 200?

Yes, that’s an Arrow. It’s certainly not a Comanche

Calling that arrow a Comanche is blasphemy.

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Piper PA-28R-180 Cherokee Arrow, I think.

From Russ:
Fixed. Thanks for the catch everyone.

Guilty as charged. In my defense, the job of submitting photos doesn’t pay well. :rofl::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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