Picture Of The Week: Dec. 13, 2024

Picture of the Week: Photo by Christian Hauser. It was an exceptionally rare opportunity with the F-35 demo team Maj. Melanie “Mach” Kluesner flying an F-35A of the 158th FW, Vermont ANG together with a P-51 of the Horsemen Flight team at the Airpower 24 show in Zeltweg, Styria Austria.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/multimedia/gallery/picture-of-the-week-dec-13-2024

Great photo! On the other hand, assuming the crew of both aircraft were cognizant of the risks, the price of a taxpayer funded F-35 just isn’t worth the financial risk taken to this taxpayer to generate great photography. Do it with a Warthog or a run out F something else, but don’t do it with a F-35. Sorry to rain on your formation.

A few points to consider:

  • This particular F-35 is a part of a demo team. Great photo ops is part of its mission.
  • Both pilots were experienced in formation flying.
  • Perhaps most important is that without other perspectives, we really don’t know how close the planes were to each other.

Thanks for the points to consider. I’m not a novice.

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