Ohio Jobs Grants Boost Prospects for GE Aerospace Engineers

A new JobsOhio grant will boost GE Aerospace’s efforts to explore next-gen commercial aircraft propulsion systems. Designated for new test equipment for GE’s Peebles, Ohio test operations site, the grants are expected to spur the creation of 200 new engineering jobs by the end of 2028.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/ge-plans-exploration-on-multiple-new-propulsion-design-concepts

A state governor knows more about future aero propulsion than GE Aerospace?
Sounds more like he’s using taxpayer dollars to fund his political career.

Agreed. I wonder why General Electric, a multi-billion dollar corporation and one of the world’s largest engine manufacturers, needs some government grant to conduct R&D on new engine technology. After all, they already have the facility in Ohio, so it isn’t like the state is trying to entice them to build something new. Our tax dollars in action!

Because GE Aerospace (now a separate entity, from which I was a contractor for two decades working in certification) has facilities in many countries, including Poland, Mexico, and India, and the governor would rather not expand those facilities if the business could be kept here.

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