NTSB Says Rudders Can Freeze In Hundreds of 737s

Bottom line, they have known defective parts on in-service airframes, and apparently have issued no specific recommendations on how to deal with it. The NTSB points out that the recommended action in the event of rudder freezing during landing, per the flight manual (not a specific recommendation to this situation), is potentially dangerous and could result in sudden, uncontrolled extreme rudder deflection and loss of control on roll out. Given Boeing’s recent history - especially around the Max - how could this possibly have slipped through and gotten to the point where the NTSB had to issue a public news release? At this point, one would expect that even a totally dysfunctional organization would be on high alert to mount an “all hands on deck” response to anything associated with the words “defective” “Max” “safety”. Boggles the mind.
The NTSB Urgent Safety Recommendations News Release is here: NTSB Issues Urgent Safety Recommendations on Boeing 737 Rudder System