NTSB Finds Fatal Accidents, Flight Activity Decrease In 2020

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) found an overall decrease in fatal accidents in U.S. civil aviation for 2020 along with significant reductions in flight activity for the year. The board noted that 332 people were killed during general aviation operations last year compared to 414 in 2019. The general aviation fatal accident rate also fell slightly from 1.069 fatal accidents per 100,000 flight hours in 2019 to 1.049 per 100,000 flight hours in 2020. Twenty-one people were killed in accidents involving on-demand Part 135 operations compared to 32 killed in 2019. There were no fatal accidents in the Part 121 air carrier segment for 2020.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/flight-safety/accidents-ntsb/ntsb-finds-fatal-accidents-flight-activity-decrease-in-2020

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