New This Week

Our staffs weekly review of whats happening in the aviation world turned up news of a chance at a free Cessna CJ type rating, word that Greg Koontz is the recipient of this years Bill Barber Award for Showmanship, a SkyTrac Systems announcement of its new Overdue Notifications, and news that Transportation YOU introduced 21 young women and their mentors to leaders in the transportation industry. ProFlight, in conjunction with the Southern California Aviation Association (SCAA), is offering a CJ Type Rating Training Award to the winning applicant. A ProFlight spokesperson said, We are very excited to have the opportunity to contribute to the success of the winning individual's career path in aviation. Prerequisites for qualifying: Must reside in Southern California-San Diego to Santa Barbara, meet the requirements for the ATP rating, and complete the online application. World Airshow News has announced that Greg Koontz is the 2014 recipient of the Bill Barber Award for Showmanship. Greg Koontz is known throughout North America and parts of Latin America as a foremost authority on American Champion Super Decathlon aircraft. His aerobatic routines in both the Super Decathlon and the new Xtreme Decathlon have been featured at airshows from coast to coast and internationally, and culminate with an inverted ribbon cut in a stock aerobatic training airplane.

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