New French Aerobatic Trainer Gets EASA Certification

Aura Aero, based in Toulouse, France, announced this week it has received European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) certification for its Integral R model. The two-seat, side-by-side taildragger is constructed of what the company describes as wood/carbon hybrid materials. It is designed as an aerobatic trainer that can also serve as individual transportation, with a range of 530 nautical miles and a cruise speed of 150 knots. Baggage capacity is 66 pounds.

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Maybe Piper could modify a Cherokee with a tail wheel and a canopy for the domestic market for a “loss leader” price!

Oh yea, don’t forget about the 25% import tariff!

I wouldn’t drive a French car. I certainly don’t want to be in a French aircraft.

I saw a taildragger Cherokee down at the Thomasville, G. fly-in a few years ago. Odd look.

It totally does not look like an RV-6/RV-7 knock off. Obviously a completely new design.

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Ever heard of Airbus?


The US was the first in powered flight but for all practical purposes, the airplane as we know it, was invented by the French.

France has been dedicated to political self destruction for some time now, but their aeronautical, and automotive engineering has been brilliant.

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