NBAA Trade Show Will Feature AAM Hopefuls

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) announced it will feature three top contenders in the advanced air mobility (AAM) movement at the trade group’s 2024 NBAA Business Aviation Convention and Exhibition (NBAA-BACE) in October. The Emerging Tech Pavilion on the convention display floor will include a significant presence from, Joby Aviation, and Lilium, as well as other representatives of the AAM industry expected to join the list of exhibitors at the Las Vegas Convention Center from October 22-24.

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Why? No one wants these coal-powered Rube Goldbergs. Looks like virtue signaling in the last desperate attempts by the few remaining flying EVs to suck more money from hapless taxpayers or naïve investors.

These are not “contenders”. Contenders would actually be demonstrating by flying conventioneers between the airport to the convention. These, at best, are still concepts.

Like Kent mentioned, these are placeholders on the agenda; they are there to keep up appearances. Eminence front, it’s a put on.

The Wright brothers airplane was a “concept” in 1902.

Yea, but it’s no longer 1902. Introducing a Wright brothers plane into the 21st century market as a “solution” is nuts. We have had 200 years of development on electric motors and 120 years of development of powered flight. Reality is that electric has had more time to develop but is still a loser in Aviation.

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