Money And The Origins Of ADS-B

I landed at an airport where there was nothing in any publication on the airport that there were landing fees - not even in the FEES section on ForeFlight. (Since changed). I ignore the bill they sent as they don’t have the right to charge landing fees without notification. I also red-exed that airport to never use it again. Nor will I use any airport with landing fees. We already pay a flow fee with fuel so these airports are double dipping. Europe has been charging all kinds of fees since nearly the beginning. Airway, ILS, center, etc. hundreds of dollars in fees PLUS higher taxes on fuel and yes high landing fees. To land on a grass strip in England used to be a pound sterling per landing. That was 40 years ago. I’m sure it’s up to £25 now PER LANDING.

We need to sue cities who charge landing fees AND charge fuel flowage fees. That would be like paying a fee to drive into a gas station and then pay taxes on the fuel you buy.