Less Than Half Of Airline Pilots Still Working - AVweb

Multiple airline business cycles over the past 60 years have occurred with increases and decreases in employment numbers. Many, if not all, were not the employees fault but nonetheless they were affected by them. For example, the oil embargo which put a dent into the industry and required adjustment by the folks affected, In some cases they were furloughed for 5-7 years and had to deal with it. The 80’s recession also comes to mind, not to mention failed airlines due to business plans that couldn’t survive. Entering into this industry and subsequent career success, to a large part, is dependent on timing and a bit of luck.

Throwing more tax payers money is not a long term solution to an industry that will not return to it’s pre 2019 size any time soon. The national debt ballooning to an unsustainable size may well be the next financial emergency the airlines and other businesses will face in the not too distant future.