Last Week's Poll Results: Some Like To Clap

Half of respondents say they'll clap for a landing but the other half won't

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I wanted to add, I responded No. I did so because I never clapped for a landing. I did not clap because I thought it was insulting, the phraseology was bias; I voted No, because I feel that a landing, like a takeoff, a climb, a cruise, a descent…that is all part of the job. As a pilot (in-active) I would strive to make each landing as good as I manage and even when along, congratulate myself at the same time thinking, can I improve.

I don’t think clapping is insulting and I get why non-aviation folks may clap after what seems like a “scary” final to land. It is a release of stress, tension as they feel out of control with only one person keeping them alive. It’s a group thing.

Question, has anyone ever clapped to the surgeon after they finished heart surgery? No, just a grateful and heartfelt “Thank You” for them doing their job well.

(Hint, Sully was not a hero that day, he was just a well trained pilot doing his job and that who I want in every cockpit)

I agree. I have never seen a takeoff that did not have a landing. For me, a landing is a necessity.

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