Impromptu Airshow Act Nets Seven-Month Suspension - AVweb

As a glider CFI and instrument rated power guy I see lots of good comments here. But I would like to say that I know Bruno well enough to know that he wore a parachute (most glider pilots do) and was doing nothing many high-performance glider pilots would consider extreme in the least. 60 degree banks, +/- 30 degrees pitch, flight at critically low airspeed or those near redline and flying within 200’ of other aircraft are all NORMAL glider ops and something pilots train for. From both the video and Bruno’s explanation, he endangered no one but certainly did break at least one FAR and he’s accepting responsibility for that. If you listen to his calm description of what he is doing and how he communicated with the helicopter, you might realize that this is no adrenaline “Hold My Beer” moment for Bruno. Consider also that Bruno’s well done videos have made thousands think about aviation.