I have no real preference on whether to 3 point (full stall) or to wheel land a taildragger. I rarely wheel landed until I flew skydivers in a C185. The owner wanted me to wheel land since he felt it minimized the wear and tear on the tail wheel assembly. As long as I kept the speed where it belonged on final, touching down firmly on mains would not result in a bounce. If you were too fast then the C185 would bounce. As far as any lessons learned by learning to fly tailwheel it does teach you to fly the airplane until you actually stop on landing. Keeps your feet and hands moving during rollout. One high performance plane that benefits from tailwheel knowledge is the Piaggio P180 twin turboprop. It has a quirky nose wheel steering setup that requires I feel the same skill that you would learn flying tailwheel planes. If you treated the Piaggio like a Cherokee on the ground it would bite and did several times to pilots with directional control issues with the nose wheel steering. I no longer have access to a tailwheel airplane and I do miss it.