Holiday Accounting

Many people think the year ends on December 31st, and the next one begins on January 1st, but I know from experience that the year really begins on the first day of school in the fall and ends on the first day of summer after school is over, with a two-week break in the middle for the Holidays.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate! To everyone contributing to the spirit of the season in their own special ways, may your holidays be joyful, meaningful, and full of warmth. Here’s to a season of togetherness and goodwill!

You could be a politician. :-o)

@RationalityKeith. Politician? Well, at 82 years old, I’m trying to keep wide-eyed and bushy-tailed, even if the eyes need glasses and the tailbone protests every time I stand up. My knees and back remind me daily that I’m not exactly running marathons, so I figured I’d run my mouth instead. And let’s be honest, I’m looking for approval in all the wrong places—however, AVweb is way more fun than bingo night and doesn’t require leaving my chair! :smile:

I hope Capt. Garrison won’t be experiencing a SWAT team to search and investigate for potential tax- fraud after the right (left) readers consumed his ideas for tax write-offs. That’s some serious white rich people talk, right there!


Merry Christmas and happy new year to all those who choose to celebrate - happy [insert name of festivity observed by you] to all those who choose not to.

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