Gulfstream Enhances Maintenance Tracking Program

Gulfstream last week said it is introducing three new enhancements to its computerized maintenance tracking program, The new enhancements involve the work order module, inventory purchase order module and smart cards, which are designed to facilitate, capture and report day-to-day aircraft maintenance activities. "More than 40 years ago, Gulfstream was the first business-jet manufacturer to offer a maintenance tracking system," Larry Flynn, president of Gulfstream Product Support, said. "Since then, we've continuously improved and refined this service, keeping pace with advances in technology, to ensure our customers have the best tools available when it comes to tracking maintenance, whether for a single aircraft or a fleet of aircraft." Gulfstream's is a Web-based maintenance tracking tool offered to operators of Gulfstream aircraft that tracks both Gulfstream and non-Gulfstream aircraft.

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