Grant Threats Prompt Van Nuys Lease Extension

I read that and expected it. Here was my comment: “Repurposing the airport” just means kicking out the planes to build condos, shopping malls, or whatever seems trendy. It might sound good to some, but for pilots and airport workers, it’s a nightmare.

The LA County leaders should know that as the population grows, so does the need for aviation. More people mean more flights for business, emergencies, and training. Airports like WHP, VNY, and BUR are crucial for meeting this demand. Closing WHP won’t reduce the need for flights—it’ll just push operations to other airports, overcrowding them and making noise and pollution worse for nearby communities.

The planes won’t disappear; they’ll move to VNY and BUR, creating new problems instead of solving the old ones. With a growing population, we need better airports, not fewer. Instead of shutting WHP down, we should focus on improving it to handle demand while reducing its impact on the community.