Going Commando

Back in the days when GPS was fiction and Loran C was very cool, my partner in a Cherokee wanted to travel from Detroit to Boston. I got a call from him the afternoon of the night flight to scrub because the shiny new Loran broke. Our trip was planned long the north shore of Lake Erie, fuel in Niagara Falls, NY, then pretty much east to Hanscom Field. Then I would continue on to Maine. I pointed out the weather was clear, Lake Erie was easy to follow, and it is hard to miss lands end. The first leg went well and we found IAG. For the second leg, I switched off the ADF, and the KX-170B nav receivers. Partner said, how you gonna get there? I pointed out on the sectional, that the course took us right down the center of the Finger Lakes, there were big bright cities at each end of each lake and Albany at the end and then the Mass Pike took us right past Hanscom. After I dropped him, we continued on to Maine finding PWM by following the ocean down east and turning up the river, just like the sailing days of old. It was a fun trip and I’d do it again today, the same way, but with a faster airplane.