good lord, I was thinking the same thing - “What magical PA-28-140 can be used as any sort of charter for four men?”
With a max gross of 2150lb, you’ve got around 750lb or so of useful load. (Why in the world would you bring a “second pilot”?) Four men at an avg. of 200lb ea. already puts you overweight with no gas. Would we assume two fugitives had some baggage (or not?) A quick look shows they crashed around 225nm from departure, so at 100kt @9gal/hr, so that’s another 120lb overweight just to drive to the crash site. (Assuming they filled to tabs, that would be 220lb). No scenario I can think of where they were not overweight.
Insanity. It’s like someone asking me “can I fit my basketball team in your Prius?” Well, yes and no…