French Jetman Vince Reffet Killed In Training Accident - AVweb

When Rossi was doing this in the U.S., he had to get special dispensation as an experimental aircraft for demos. He is a licensed pilot. The FAA hasn’t figured these things out yet. USPA doesn’t have to dedicate much resources for awhile. Judging by how slowly wingsuits developed, I think these will be slower than that because of the expense and the technology.

Now, wingsuits are pretty common. It has taken 10 years to get here. I can go to the dropzone and find an instructor and start flying them. Haven’t done it yet because I haven’t gotten around to it. The jetpack is something else entirely. Someone will have to test them, prove them and manufacture them before they can ever appear in volume. I suspect that’s where Reffet and his group were eventually going.

Since Rossi and Reffet used turbojets, there’s that problem. A type rating? The electric version is a little more appealing and may not require any regulation at all. I dunno. Doubt if I’ll still be jumping when all that happens.