FCC Refuses To Halt Ligado 5G Program - AVweb

They ran (as Lightsquared/Phil Harbin) tests in the southwest at low power and disrupted GPS service at FL180 for 1400 nm. That’s what killed it the first time. We have RF propagation physics, and experimental proof the system cannot work. On one hand, it is the FCC’s fault: they should never have auctioned the guardbands off in the first place. Now, this ugly situation will float from bankruptcy to bankruptcy.

Do not underestimate the greed of an investment banker nor overestimate the length of their memories. Harbin thought he’d clean up when the spectrum auctioned off dirt cheap compared to legitimate, serviceable frequencies. Gifts were given to white house occupants an schmoozing was done in the early 2010 timeframe. He was allowed to proceed, and when it failed, suggested we put rf tanks the size of the airplanes on GPS receivers because they were “unlicensed” applications to block out their sideband transmissions. Now, Legato repeats history.