Hangar 9 greeted our arrival with a lineman ready to marshall us in. Free refreshments (a variety of drinks and snacks) were available. An Oshkosh special price for fuel was in effect [during our visit]. Owner Darryl Shook was very hospitable. He provided a late-model loaner vehicle and hangared our Cardinal overnight against potential storms - not forecast, but hey, this is South Dakota - and offered recommendations for both food and lodging. KABR is a natural stop for our Seattle area trip to/from Oshkosh, and Hangar 9 is a natural for a friendly, helpful FBO.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/flight-safety/fbo/fbo-of-the-week-hangar-9-aberdeen-regional-airport-kabr-south-dakota