FAA Studying Unleaded Avgas Transition - AVweb

In response to Craig and others, GAMI is not the only company to develop a universal unleaded avgas. They have just “introduced” their product sooner by using an abbreviated testing and STC process. Swift Fuels has been developing their unleaded 100 octane “drop in” fuel for years, and has committed to availability in 2023. In addition, they have refining capability and distribution capability, which GAMI is still working on. And they have claimed their fuel formula is less expensive to produce than GAMI’s… That might help explain why refiners and the government are waiting for Swift to complete their thorough testing protocols and promised ASTM approvals before rushing to produce GAMI’s fuel. The FAA’s decision to stand down on pressuring Santa Clara County and Reid Hillview Airport to resume offering 100LL until at least August is a clue that they expect unleaded fuel from one or both developers to be on at least some airports this summer. And it should be noted that Swift has had the production, rail transport and distribution infrastructure for delivering UL94 to northern California airports in place for more than 2 years…