FAA Proposes Rule To Require More Efficient Jets And Turboprops - AVweb

I call it the “Peacetime Ennui”–“a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement.”

We have become Europe because we have lost a sense of purpose. In wartime, most of the “feel-good” regulations are suspended in order to get the job done to fix REAL problems.

During times of relative prosperity, we MANUFACTURE perceived “problems”.

Today, we have lost our sense of direction–who we want to be. Think about it–each generation has had its own focus–winning WW II–beating back communism in Korea–the Space Race"–Vietnam.

Since then, we have focused on relatively minor problems–trying to characterize them as the equal of major problems defeated by prior generations. Factions have trumpeted warnings about “the coming ice age!”–“rising sea levels!”–“global warming!”–“Ebola!”–“Ozone Holes!”–Covid!"

ALL predicted to wipe out civilization–and none of which were as serious as claimed. The country needs something BIG and DIFFICULT to reunite us–or we will continue to BECOME like Europe–small countries (states) all with their own petty agendas.

It has been said “The Devil finds work for idle hands.” I believe that is true today–we fret and fight about the tiniest perceived “problems”–much like Europe.