FAA Proposes Rule To Require More Efficient Jets And Turboprops - AVweb

Regarding the “Promote Aviation” mandate–that was eliminated in 1996–more than a quarter century ago!

From PBS 1996
A change in the FAA’s mandate?

President Clinton signs the Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization Act of 1996. Following public outcry over the ValuJet Flight 592 crash, lawmakers approve changes to the FAA’s mission that appear to remove the agency’s dual mandate of regulating safety and promoting industry development.

Only a believer that government can better control the marketplace than Capitalism would believe that government mandates are effective in a world-wide market. This proposal would kill the market for American-made new aircraft–and cause users to continue to use older and LESS fuel-efficient aircraft–making any perceived problem WORSE–not better.

Manufacturers have to produce a product that people WANT to buy–not are FORCED to buy. Is it any wonder why so many manufacturers have fled the U.S.?

This kind of “mandate” reminds me of Milo Minderbinder (“Catch-22”) who wanted to issue a decree that people should eat cotton (“Milo–people can’t eat cotton!”–reply “It’s for their own good, and for M&M Enterprises–and that’s good for the nation!”