FAA Nominee Quizzed On Aviation Knowledge - AVweb

I see, since this morning, they have deleted (Censored) all the Anti-Biden comments. AVWEB must really want this new guy. Makes you wonder if reading their stuff passes through the White House before they all us to read anything.

What happened to the comments criticizing Biden for his poor choices in appointees? Did avweb get purchased by Facebook? Can we really trust news sources that censor honest opinions that go against the lefts narratives?

It appears the word B—I…D…e+++n is automatically censored on this article…

He cuts Joe’s mustard.

brplalalahoohoohooyipyipyip… I figured you’d understand better if I spoke Biden.

America voted for the unqualified…Or so they say.

A whole lot better than the four years prior to that, but neither your comment nor mine is helpful to this conversation.

The Gentleman left the military 22 years ago, does that not make him a civilian?

Sounds like you hit the trifecta - utterly right, three times in a row.

Hi all,
I posted this on another article, when acting admin Mr Billy Nolen testified in congress recently. They already have the perfect fit. I saw Mr Nolen at airventure
last yr., he spoke at the annual meet the administrator at theatre in the woods.
American airlines B757/767 rated, served in safety positions american, qantas,
and FAA. Very knowledgeable, articulate, well spoken. adsb, mosaic, okc delays at aircraft airman and cert branch. WHY are they not making him perm faa administer?

retired usaf and faa atc here .38 yrs. Weve had some doozies as faa administers.
Mr Nolen moved up the ranks, knows the nuts and bolts. He’s the real deal.
l nominate Mr Billy Nolen to be permanent FAA administer.

michael r.

I listened to the acting Administrator at Airventure; he seemed pretty qualified to me.

Paul would need a special waiver to fly his Cub in the FRZ and land on the mall.

William Buckley famously said in 1965 that he “would rather be governed by the first 2000 people in the Boston telephone book than by the Harvard faculty”. Spot on. Well, Boston might not be the best choice of cities.

If only pilots could select

Do you think he wants the job?

It’s not clear what qualifications Mr. Washington would bring to the position. Having some relevant piloting experience would surely help understand aviation issues. Mr. Nolen has handled the job well so far and seemingly would be a good candidate for the appointment.

There many text messages flying around from my fellow pilots aghast at Mr. Washington’s lack of aviation knowledge. The primary reason for knowledge and experience is it creates a fine tuned BS filter. It’s critical that an administrator has a good BS filter. Without a BS filter, all kinds of mayhems can occur.

Kind comment. The situation is devolving into a chaotic and farcical spectacle.

Especially your “head in the sand” comment…
