FAA Lowers The Legal Boom On Alleged Illegal Charter Flights - AVweb

Right now just about any non commercial pilot can be fined and have their certificates revoked if they have an instructor onboard. Soon, no private pilot certificate will be valid for flight. According to the current legal (by court order) definition; paying an instructor is a ‘commercial’ operation. This is a United States District Court definition, not an FAA, or DOT definition (really a US Supreme Court decision because I can not think of a constitutional issue yet) The FAA and DOT can not change this court ruling. Not even the President of the United States can change it.
So, according to this new definition…. No private pilot can complete a biannual flight review lawfully, because it is a commercial operation and they can not act as pilot in command during the flight review with an instructor onboard…
If a private pilot lands at an airport other than the one they started from with an instructor, it is a 135 flight…
Yes, it gets that stupid.
People were bitching because Steve said it would take 4 years to fix this mess… I thing he was optimistic. The entire FAA regulation was written to separate private operation from commercial and then to further regulate commercial operation so the ignorant public might feel safe.