These days, I OFTEN say to others – when discussing the current state of affairs in this Country – WTH did I serve 21 years in the military for … THIS ?? Like you, I’m no longer going to be silent on any of this … I’m going to confront the fanatical lefties who can’t see what’s happening and either are ignorant or don’t care and think everything is OK … it ISN’T! $9.50 fuel in Mendocino, CA (6/06/2022) ought to be sending up flares and red flags everywhere. Where I am, it went up to $4.80 this AM … up from $4.20 just two weeks ago.
The GAMI G100UL issue reminds me of Michael Huerta standing on stage at the Meet the Administrator forums at Airventure year after year telling hundreds of pilots waiting for news about medical reform that he couldn’t discuss it and that it was in work … be patient. Patience, hell, get offa you butt and DO something (now, about G100UL). Sen Inhofe ought to make his parting contribution to GA some forced codification of the use of Braly’s fuel.
Someone ought to rename the FAA the Bureau of Oral Gratification and Enforcement … and not much else. But the Secretary of Transportation is probably too busy feeding his infant Pablum to even care? Now I see him on TV discussing issues not even remotely related to subjects the DOT ought to be dealing with.