I’m apparently the only one to think we shouldn’t be rushing to help GAMI, but rather should be whole-heartedly behind EAGLE.
What’s the problem?
Intellectual Property Rights
All you have to do is do a tiny amount of “let’s imagine” to see we’re slamming ourselves headlong into a world of pain if GAMI “wins” here.
So, let’s imagine:
- G100UL comes out, even in trifling amounts.
- EPA, state-EPA equivalents, cities and the rest say, “Why are we still selling leaded fuel? The unleaded stuff only costs (let’s exaggerate) 50% more, and we no longer have to expose everyone to neurologically deadly lead.” So, 100LL is banned.
- There is now a single source of legal fuel in the entire country for high compression piston engines. …And it’s controlled by a single company who has 100% control over both its production and consumption.
Uh-oh. Now we’re screwed. And we asked for it…
GAMI can now charge whatever it feels like. How about a “GAMI Prime” subscription to be allowed to continue to buy gas? Only $100/mo whether you buy fuel or not! How about a yearly “GAMI Inspection” that’s required to “ensure your plane is working it’s best”? GAMI now gets to charge A&Ps for the license (and “training”) to perform such an inspection, and charge you for getting it done. How about required “GAMI Insurance” in case you ever have a problem that’s provably due to fuel (good luck), they’ll cover some small portion of it. How about a STC transfer fee (and inspection and application fee) every time you sell your plane?
FBOs have scrambled to buy licenses from GAMI to sell their fuel and invested in whatever their “approved” tanking and pumping infrastructure is. When (hopefully) a second 100UL comes out, do you think the FBO can pump both? Or switch over? No, of course not! GAMI surely will write their licenses such that the FBO is committed to only pumping their gas. The FBO will need to reinvest in all new equipment for fuel #2, assuming GAMI didn’t lock them into an exclusive for years to get the license in the first place.
GAMI becomes a $100B+ company. We’ve never had problems with huge companies (and especially monopolies) becoming corrupt. Ever! ENRON was a fluke. Standard Oil was easily dealt with by Congress inventing the entire concept of anti monopoly laws. Certainly our Congress is far more functional now!
Please. Cheerleading a company (not a person, despite how often they bring out Santa-Claus-look-alike Braly to appeal to us) being handed a monopoly is naive at best. I love you Paul, but you’re missing the obvious and deeply troubling result of GAMI winning without EAGLE.