FAA Allows 'Flying Car' To Enter Flight Testing - AVweb

Now for some reality;

I have already heard from some of our Company’s sic’s who have had to take the ATP required classroom course that it puts students to sleep. Judging from the CRM training I have to take now I am not surprised. I have a feeling this rule may just make the alleged pilot “shortage” worse by lack of interest. I have known many pilots who find out after all the training involved that flying is not the job they imagined. The “operations familiarization” requirement of this rule is the only part that makes sense. As far as “mentoring” is concerned I think there are those who will use that as a way to make up for training that candidates should have had at the private pilot level. I am not a company instructor pilot neither do I want to be. I don’t mind showing things someone new to the company or the airplane we may be flying. What I have a problem with is teaching someone things that should have been learned at the private pilot level. Several items mentioned in the Colgan accident are perfect examples. You would be amazed how many sic’s I have had in the past who could not even fly a visual traffic pattern. I think the FAA should spend a little more time making sure private pilot candidates are getting the training they need, instead of allowing schools to get by teaching the absolute minimum.