Yes, we hear these fake news claims and in the same paragraph absurd “statistics” like 600,000 deaths from the flu in a year.
I have to assume that is supposed to be in the US since it is being compared to a US figure, but then when compared to the population of the US and life expectancy, that number suggests maybe 1 in 5 Americans dies from the flu. If that were true, then yes, the flu is a much worse pandemic and we should be treating it that way!
Kirk W. May be right. But considering the lack of any guidance from the FAA on wearing medical masks or face coverings in pressurized cockpits ( dangerous as far as I am concerned) or in other aircraft, I seriously doubt the any FAA inspector would do that.
Hi All: A bit late to this interesting thread; however, I would invite everyone to think about all the breaking news stories or even deeper dive news stories that they have every seen discussing an aviation topic … then consider all the things you noticed and quibbled with the reporter’s simplified, or even incorrect, presentation of that aviation complicated topic. You bring all your training and experience to bear on the aviation story and see that there really is far more to most aspects that are being considered and probably not a compelling narrative arc either.
Why should we, as news consumers believe that the media’s handling of the Wuhan/Covid-19 stories be any better than those the aviation stores they do?
My suggestion is epistemic humility … as non-epidemiologists, non-infectious disease, and non-virologists, we probably don’t really know what we think we may know from the media stories. In fact, the “experts” have themselves been wrong about almost every prediction they have made since January this year. Then filter what the actual experts say through the randomizer of the news media and the real facts/story is garbled as always by the media.
The Wuhan/Covid story is just as jumbled as the last aviation story you complained about, and probably even more so, because there are so many actual unknowns about this (semi)novel coronavirus.
Excellent point.
Meanwhile, the “scientific consensus” (an oxymoron) about Covid 19 changes daily.
And the bureaucrats who exert unlawful control over our daily lives display a lower intellectual capacity than do the press.
Welcome to Amerika 2020.
Sadly you can not always go by their numbers. Talking to people who work in the funeral home business they are labeling heart attacks and car crashes as covid-19. Worse thing they did was offer money for each covid death to the states.
Sorry if you think this is cherry picking. I think it is appropriate and specific data for the demographic of Oshkosh attendees and Oshkosh is exactly what we are talking about. By far, the majority of Oshkosh attendees are males 35 to 65. Please feel free to look at the EAA demographics.
Because many of are very angry and the hypocrisy we going on all over the USA and are disheartened by what we see happening to this great nation over what we perceive to be the left’s hysteria. We get that Covid-19 is real. We are also able to see that it primarily affects the sick and really old. It very rarely impacts anyone else. It has been used as a tool by power hungry and many times unelected individuals to exert their power. So yes, we can protest this BS too!! Those of us in aviation work really hard to enable our hobby. Most of us give a lot back to the community and we are strong in our beliefs and drive. We are not going to sit idly by and let other make us prisoners in our homes, watch while our businesses are closed and continue to be allow to be treated like children as if we are incapable of taking proper precautions and making rational go no go decisions. It’s time to wake up and start living our dreams again. Enough is enough!
‘Why should we, as news consumers believe that the media’s handling of the Wuhan/Covid-19 stories be any better than those the aviation stores they do?’
‘And the bureaucrats who exert unlawful control over our daily lives’…
‘We are not going to sit idly by and let other make us prisoners in our homes, …and continue to be allow to be treated like children’
Poor dears. So much for pilots being steely-eyed, independent decision-makers who can think on their feet, eh? Get out of the cockpit and victimhood is the replacement for the lost rewards of personal command of an aircraft.
Fake/Not-fake/BS news flash…the media, government, politics, your neighbor, have no control over your personal freedom and peace of mind. None. Learn to discriminate and understand the imperfection of the world -and yourselves- and maybe victimhood could end up in the dust bin of experience. Or don’t. See the freedom you already possess without listening to the media or gubment? Can’t find kindness and goodwill in yourself toward others so need to get angry that you’re a helpless victim? Good grief, grow up.
Thankfully, you sorry sorts are a minority of pilots - I could cite dozens of groups and fellow pilots who are selflessly working for others during this pandemic, giving their time and money with love and caring.
Dave, I think you’re off the mark. The whole point several of us are making is that we are steely-eyed and independent. We’re not waiting for the government to tell us what to do. We’re not staying at home nor on the ground. I also don’t think those of us that are willing to stand for our rights are the minority of pilots. I believe we are the majority and we are the ones that are generously giving our time to people in need and worthy causes. So we can agree to disagree. It seems to me there are so many bullies out there that one to ram their opinions down our thoughts and tell us what to believe it. Might be worth re-reading the Bill of Rights to see what this country was founded upon. Dictatorial and mob rule negates every vote we cast.
I have no desire to protest nor can I understand those who have that attitude; EAA made the right decision. However, attending OSH is a tradition that’s been unbroken in our family since '98, and I don’t want to miss it. I plan to fuel up at Basler, take a photo or two and get out of there. I’ll be wearing my official EAA “Airventure 2020” T-shirt (which has a special place together with my “Mighty Meigs — the little airport with the great big future” T-shirt).
"From Oct. 1, 2019 to Sept. 30, 2020, there were 44 fatal accidents. Most involved experimental/amateur-built aircraft—they make up the bulk of the fleet—but this number is an improvement over the previous year’s tally of 38. "
Text corrected. The homebuilts had 32 fatals during this latest period, which is an improvement over the 38 of last year. The 44 fatals included all subcategories under experimental.