Experimental Aircraft Accidents Decline (UPDATED) - AVweb

Sadly I see many (too many) folks who just don’t get how bad Corvid has affected the public and why large/small/any gatherings need to be avoided at all costs. I live in a densely populated area (NYC) and we were hit HARD by this insidious disease…I know first hand how bad this is IN REAL LIFE. I didn’t/don’t need any media telling me what or how bad this really is. My brother even got it and thankfully survived it…Any kind of large gathering can and should be avoided for ones own safety/health Thankfully Jack saw this and did something about it. Calling him a pawn or dupe is just plain STUPID and all who think this is some kind of joke are more than welcome to visit us here in NY and see first hand how serious this really is, it’s still here, it hasn’t “gone away”…

For those who are protesting, it’s their right to do so, as in it’s illegal to stop them from doing it, and with the proper precautions it can be done. Sometimes a message has to be put through no matter the cost and folks everywhere are seeing this and doing it. Does that make it safe and a smart thing to do for ones own health? Nope. But it IS their LEGAL choice and in this case I agree with it. To compare Oshkosh to what is being protested is ludicrous and dumb. Most of the flying population that visits Oshkosh is older, very susceptible to Corvid and should NOT be going there anyway, Jack knows this and acted accordingly. Don’t knock the man or organization for caring about your health and well being and wait till next year, I’m sure it’ll be a blast!