Experimental Aircraft Accidents Decline (UPDATED) - AVweb

Mark …one ability/skill that ANY Consummate, Safe, ‘Professional’ Aviator needs is Objective ‘Critical-Thinking’. The desire to gather as much data/information available, assess/analyze that information and utilize it to enable the most accurate conclusions which will facilitate the best course(s) of action.

‘WWll’ (only) Total Civilian and Military Deaths: 418,500

Considering the woefully inadequate ‘testing’ available at present, the 2.1 million (so far) recorded number of infections is most probably VERY low. But, even utilizing that ‘Number’ for now, and the ‘reported’ Number of Deaths to date, which, considering that any ‘death’ is usually noted fairly quickly, investigated, recorded and reported with dispatch …making it reasonable to assume that ‘Reported’ number is fairly accurate … 115,000 …utilizing some basic ‘High-School’ Arithmetic, gives us a death-to infection rate of just under.055%.

That’s 1/2 of 1 percent …NOT "5.5%!

And …(world-over) reports would seem to indicate that 50-60% of that figure (unfortunately) fall to those of us who are in the 70+ year old age groups.

The Hyperbole, “Chicken-Little(ing)” that has been and still continues over something that has such serious implications is astounding!

even more so the ‘mindless’ callous way in which our fellow citizens continue to propagate all those wild forecasts and stats

We …the ‘Human’ Race …has indeed a Long -Way-to- Go.