Empty 737 Runs Over Tug At La Guardia - AVweb

We have a hyper sensationalist press!
Poe, in his story ‘Murders in the Rue Morgue’
and General Sherman of Civil War fame
Describe pretty accurately what type of people the press and newspaper people are.
Currently, about 647,000 people die EVERY year of
Heart attacks and Strokes here in the US
…and not as much as a bleep about this in the news.
…well maybe in the medical journals
You have to be a a virus like Covid-19 to get a little attention now days.
This virus, which is probably a little more contagious and fatal than Influenza
Has dominated the news and has us all doomed.
Instead of announcing every new death, in every county, in every state,
Perhaps the media should publish the stats on other illnesses for comparison.
Last I read, the deaths from Cardiovascular disease have far surpassed
the wildest estimates of the total Covid-19 death toll.
Responsible media coverage is indicated.