Did You Do That Safety Wiring? - AVweb

Ok, just jiggling the 82 year-old Primer doesn’t fix the problem. Jiggling is barely even a band-aid. Doesn’t sound like your IA taught you anything of value. That primer needs to come out and be rebuilt. Rubber o-rings do not last 82 years. This situation will only get worse and it will likely rear it’s ugly head in-flight. DON’T take a chance on having an in-flight emergency for $2 worth of o-ring’s! Am I being harsh? I don’t think so. After 32 years in this industry, I have watched the competency levels of maintainers go right in the toilet. So am I blaming you? No. But if your IA can’t help you identify a simple (and common) issue like a leaky primer and ACTUALLY FIX IT, Then I think there is a bigger issue that needs to be addressed than sub-par safety wire!!!