Somebody at Cubcrafters either has OCD OR … all that public money they got from their IPO is burning a hole in their pockets. If they wanna build specialty low volume airplanes that pop into the air … let Mike Patey do it. He already has a buck rogers looking ‘thingy’ shown last year at Airventure. OR … maybe they’ve been watching too many NASA Armstrong X-57 videos and they want to compete? During the USAF STOL transport YC-14 / YC-15 competition, Boeing had an idea to use ‘blown flaps’ from two huge engines. For good reason, the USAF went for the standard McDonnell Douglas YC-15 design with four engines … which turned into the C-17.
Why doesn’t Cubcrafters use all that money to try to figure out how to mass produce an airplane for “everyman?” You know … one that mere mortals can AFFORD and would sell like hotcakes at a Sunday AM fly in breakfast. HEY … like a Cub. IF MOSAIC comes in as we all hope it will (I ain’t holdin’ my breath), there’ll be a place for such an airplane … not THIS abortion.