Rich R covered pretty much what is/was part of the picture of aeronautical aerodynamics development, and boy! there’s so much more that could be developed… Well, the guys researching and experimenting in a full size aircraft is always a good thing. Lots to learn and deal with “new” packages and ideas. When I was developing a flying wing, and an amphibian and an ultralight aircraft I had the opportunity to make and use 12 full size different wings with different profiles and it was exhilarating to see what goes when you are actually flying the aircraft. Stall characteristics, cruise speed, what is the real result of profiles with this Cl that Cd etc…All in all it’s fun to see “new” ideas coming up being experimented and developed. As for me, this project is almost no deal. Can you imagine what would happen when you are flying and those little ducts are bombarded by bugs? LOL.
Imagine cleaning it up! LOL