CubCrafters Unveils Ducted Fan Leading Edge Slats - AVweb

Wish you had told me sooner.
As a newly minted CFI, my first student was a non-traditional student. He was over 40, married, and a used car dealership manager. Oh, and he had his own plane, a nice 180hp Cherokee. My first clue should have been when he told me that I was his sixth CFI and he just wanted me to finish him up. He flew well enough and after a few lessons I was getting ready to sign him off for his visit to the DPE, when he BRAGGED to me that he had recently flown into a large commercial Class B airport on the other side of the state to pick up his son and brought him back home. I was stunned and at a loss. I suspected that I should report his behavior to the feds but really didn’t know how to handle it. I was in over my head here. I asked my CFI mentor what should I do. He said to tell the student that if he does it again, he’s going to have to find another CFI. The student acted contrite and said he would comply. So, I finished him up and he passed his exam and got his certificate. It never sat well with me. Especially so when not long after, I had to deviate to avoid him while I was taking off as he came blasting down final to my runway in the opposite direction in spite of the fact that the tower had cleared me to depart and he hadn’t been cleared to the runway. I never saw him again.
I would not only shun him today, but I would report him to the local FSDO as a problem and let them deal with it. Be careful folks, he’s still out there somewhere.