Our airport is owned and run by the city. They have implemented “fuel flowage” fee for those of us who bring Mo-gas onto the airport. It is on the honor system and it is very reasonable charge so I, for one, don’t mind paying it. Our airport has a lot of Rotax engines and I understand that the ratio of those using Avgas to Mo-gas is about 50/50. I have no problem finding ethanol free Mo-gas and have not had a problem running it in my 582. I have learned to treat Mo-gas differently from Avgas. I do not let it sit in the tank for long and especially not in the carb for extended periods. If Mo-gas sits it will turn to varnish and clog your carb jets in a short period of time. I try to run my engine minimum of 2X per month even if I can’t fly for some reason. If the fuel companies could come up with an ethanol free unleaded that is more stable then maybe FBOs would start carrying it at the fuel farms which would then make a big difference in the leaded/unleaded ratio.