Commander Finds New Home...

The owners' group that bought the assets of Commander Aircraft Company (CAC) has found a home. The Commander Premier Aircraft Corp. (CPAC) will set up shop in Cape Girardeau, Mo. "It's a wonderful location for our new company," CPAC President and CEO Joel Hartstone told members of the Commander Owners Group at their annual fly-in in Sedona, Ariz., last week. Although the new company, made up of 50 Commander owners, bought all the assets of the previous manufacturer, the deal didn't include the lease on the factory at Wiley Post Airport in Oklahoma City, Okla. Commander had until Sept. 30 to leave but had a hard time finding the 30 tractor trailers it needed to make the move because of heavy demand for hurricane relief. But the trucks started rolling in the first week of October and should be unloading at Cape Girardeau now. The Missouri city was among 12 short-listed from about 150 airports that expressed interest in hosting the new company.

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