Congratulations on Part 23 certification, China is actually DOING something in electric aviation. Has it reached full potential? No more than the Wright Flyer performance achieved compared to a DC3 compared to an A380 today. But the Wright Flyer did something, the DC3 did likewise including much more culminating at where the aviation world is at today with an A380. All three started a pathway of maturing technology that continues today. Guess what China… has some pretty smart people who can take an idea to useful reality for their culture and needs, even and including meeting US certification! May not meet all our needs as compared to a 182… but still shows promise that will inevitably mature. Maybe instead of economic sanctions, belligerent tariffs, and threatened military Sabre rattling, we say “well done”…can we buy these or your technology and build them here? Gee… getting along…now that’s a novel idea!
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