Cargo Pilots Suffering Increased COVID Infections - AVweb

“The Association of Flight Attendants, the largest U.S. flight attendant union, reported just over 1000 COVID infections among its members, a rate of 833/100,000. Cases have rapidly increased in the U.S. since then, but more recent data isn’t available.”

Talk about the usual manipulation of numbers to make one’s case. The reason that the flight attendants have had…I emphasize HAD…such low numbers is…through the time this data was accumulated…virtually no one was flying. 17% load factors, seat spacing, mask wearing, etc. Even in the confines of an airplane cabin, the mitigation efforts combined with low, economically airline busting load factors, there simply was less human to human contact. But as usual, our data driven society, which has all the info of what I bought at Walmart, when, at which store…“Cases have rapidly increased in the U.S. since then, but more recent data isn’t available.” Really?

UPS and FedEx airplane drivers have a higher infection rate. Makes sense since they are flying 20% more that they did a year ago, with no measurable increase of available pilots. They have to go to mix it up with personnel, TSA, and all of the people associations and contact that they have to go through to get to the airport to eventually slide into the cockpit times two ( since there are at least presently, two people in the cockpit). That kind of full time employment taking people all over globe and nationally ( with the USA as the globes currentCovid-19 epicenter) would offer significant opportunity for exposure at a 20% increase in frequency over 2019. Why are those increase infection stats shocking?

This virus seems to have the capability to avoid recent data. This is the stealthiest virus I have ever seen. While we have technology used everyday that can and does eavesdrop data mining every purchase and movement of virtually every consumer in the US and abroad, we never have accurate, up to date Covid-19 data. Then, the average citizen is to make decisions based on old data, equally as sketchy Covid-19 data because we simply refuse to collect it for various political, economically driven purposes that just might be news we don’t want to hear.

We got 13 million Covid-19 cases, 8 million recoveries, of which 266,000+ has died (3% death rate), with 160,000 new cases per day, losing 1,000+ people per day since spring, and we still have no “recent” data. All of our Covid-19 data seems to be inconclusive, not recent, with talking heads, pundits, and the constant barrage of scientific “experts” all pontificating opinions based on no recent, accurate, up to date data. The flight attendants union has no recent data, the pilot’s unions have no recent data, mainstream media has no recent data, the 50 states have no recent data, the federal government has no recent data, and the scientists have no recent data. But there are 266,000 families who do have recent data with 1,000+ more families per day receiving recent data.

This virus is the most evasive “thing” that can avoid all data collection with no end in sight. We need to adopt the DNA of this virus into the “stealth” community of technology because whatever Covid-19 does to the human brain, algorithms, the best computer systems triggering massive lack of recent data accumulation, could be a game-changer for global intrigue, offering all sorts of opportunity for coup d’etat by simply infecting the population. Covid-19 eliminates recent data collection and retrieval plus scrambles people’s minds to the obvious, causing mental blindness combined with ridiculous predictions based on…no recent data…making everything related to Covid-19 “inconclusive”. Covid-19 is the most inconclusive, data elusive yet deadly “thing” that has caused a large percentage of people to check their brains in at the door.