Can Unleaded Avgas Blunt Efforts To Close Reid-Hillview Airport? - AVweb

They have been trying to close RHV for decades mostly based upon the alternate value of the real estate but also noise and general nuisance issues. The locals have been held at bay due to FAA funding rules, but they have tried numerous times to ignore or get around the agreements for which they took funds. The local lead issue there is and always has been a red herring. As Paracelsus the father of toxicology said: “The dose makes the poison” . At some exposure rate or concentration everything is toxic or non toxic, and that goes for Pb in any form. As the info above points out the levels of Pb are so far below any health threshold they are not toxic. There is evidence in the literature that Pb is an essential mineral for humans, albeit at extremely low amounts. The avgas Pb issue is just another lever to excite and exploit the ignorant masses, including some who comment here. The death knell for RHV will be when there is a near airport crash because there is no significant open space for miles around. A crash and fire will probably be the end for RHV regardless of whether there is unleaded avgas available.