Bombardier To Close Down Learjet Production - AVweb

If you look up the word gentlemen in the dictionary, there should be a picture of Al Haynes.

Looking back on my 30-year career as an Aviation Safety Inspector, one of my fondest memories is meeting and having dinner with Al on two separate occasions. We were fortunate to have Al speak at two of our special events in the Safety Program in Connecticut. Amazingly, the only expense our sponsors had to pay was his hotel. He would travel by United Airlines non-rev and wouldn’t accept any other payment for himself, instead he suggested a donation to Little League Baseball in Seattle that he umpired for.

He was a genuine professional either giving his presentation to a crowd of over 300 or having a casual dinner with a couple of Feds. His sense of humor, his easy-going manner and his willingness to share his experiences made for truly memorable evenings and to this day make me feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to meet him.

Wishing Al - Blue Skies, Fair Winds and Soft Landings.