Bombardier To Close Down Learjet Production - AVweb

In the late 80’s to the early 2000’s I had the opportunity to fly the -24B, -24D, -24E, -24F, -25 B, -25D, -28, -31A, and -35A; with the Mk II wing and the Century wing mods. Rocket Ship, at least compared to any other production light jet built then or since ( the Falcon 10 comes close)…the -35 had range, payload speed. Best advice I got was NEVER let the airplane get slower than 150 kts in the pattern and 130 on short final until over the threshold…and don’t try to hand fly it at altitude. Jim Raisbeck developed mods to make the airplane easier and safer to fly, and took most of the challenge out of the 35. Now its just another legacy type rating.