Boeing Releases 2020 Pilot and Technician Outlook - AVweb

Paul–The title mentions “Airport Derelicts”–but even after reading the article, I see that it’s less about the derelict airplanes than it is about the “derelicts” that inhabit the pilot’s lounge. (smile)

I’ve been flying for 59 years–and for 52 of those years, I’ve been the “curator” of the FBO pilot’s lounges. I’ve heard and seen almost all that is discussed in pilot’s lounges–I have a 232-typewritten page manuscript of local pilot stories (ALL TRUE–I SWEAR IT!).

In this business, you’d better love what you’re doing, because the FBO business (and dealing with fellow pilots) becomes your entire life. When we first married, a neighbor asked why I was never home–my wife told her (without a trace of sarcasm)–“Jim’s home is at the airport.”

Excellent job on the description of the Pilot’s Lounge–AND its inhabitants! How about a “write–off” between you and Bertorelli–this time focusing on the AIRPLANE derelicts to be found at airports? Lot’s of high aspirations to be found–“rescuing” and bringing a derelict back to life–and a lot of “school of hard knocks” in facing the realities of restoring a derelict. My two favorite aviation columnists–it would be great to read your separate takes on a subject–BOTH of you put more knowledge and emotion into your writing than any other aviation columnist!